Three healing therapies and practices supporting your health and well-being
Shiatsu is a Japanese acupressure-based therapy that supports all aspects of your well-being. Tension is released from the muscles and tissues, joints are gently mobilised and the circulatory systems of the body are stimulated inducing relaxation giving an improved sense of vitality. Regular shiatsu helps you become more in tune with your body, assists emotional and mental well-being and supports the body's innate ability to balance itself.
Yoga is an ancient Indian system combining physical, breathing and meditation practises to balance and integrate body and mind. We focus mainly on asana or body based practise which have many health benefits including increased strength, mobility and flexibility alongside calming and focusing the mind. Classes are small and ideal for those who are starting on their yoga journey or who are not looking to tie themselves in knots or do acrobatics! We have a small, friendly and supportive group of students.
Qi Gong (or Ki Gung) is a Chinese practise that is transformative for both the body and mind. It is receiving increased press coverage due to research supporting its efficacy. The practise combines a variety of seemingly simple movements and postures combined with presence of mind and breath. Patricia teaches a highly effect system from the Long Men Pai Daoist tradition as well as some TaiJi Qi Gong Shibashi.
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